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5:25 pm Fri, 17th September 2004

Does anyone else out there find that latest Usher song “Confessions Part II” kinda offensive? Everytime I hear the song, I keep thinking the same things.

These are my confessions
Just when I thought I said all I can say
My chick on the side said she got one on the way
These are my confessions
Man I’m throwed and I don’t know what to do

Absolutely no sympathy for you mate. Why did you have a “chick on the side” in the first place? I find that concept rather offensive.

This by far is the hardest thing I think I’ve ever had to do
To tell you, the woman I love
That I’m having a baby by a woman that I barely even know
I hope you can accept the fact that I’m man enough to tell you this
And hopefully you’ll give me another chance

Well hello, if you kept it in the pants in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this predicament eh? And the whole being “man enough to tell you” is sorta negated by the fact that you were, in fact, sleeping with this “chick on the side”. Men!

Anyways. Enough fun for one day. 😛 I don’t mind the song – its got a decent-ish tune.. I just don’t like the lyrics.

Back update

I went to see the Chiro again this morning, just to make sure everything was ok with my rib. She said it was just 5% out but 95% in, so she fixed that up for me, and said I should be ok now. So I went to the gym at lunchtime today and had myself a very good (but very careful) workout – mainly concentrated on cardio on the X-Trainer, with some light weights to tone arms and strengthen the upper back muscles + my usual ab exercises. I felt pretty good after my workout, but this afternoon, I’ve been feeling that slight niggling pain in that same upper back area again – esp when I breathed in deeply. I really hope it hasn’t popped out (correct term is subluxated) again – and just after having a treatment too!! But it seems to be ok now, so here’s hoping.

Btw, this short article seems to explain what happened to my rib/upper back. I think it was the subluxation of a rib, and yeh, it was from lifting something heavy and bad posture at work. 🙁

Current listening :: “Every Little Step” – Bobby Brown (In a bit of an old skool R&B phase atm… Hahah so awesome!! I haven’t heard this song in sooooo long!!)

Posted in Life, Rant & Bitch | 8 Comments »

  1. 8 Comments on “Bitchin’”

  2. CC
    Sep 17, 2004

    Men who can’t keep their flies done up, sex outside of marriage, the non-Christian secular world… nothing surprises me anymore. The fallen world, what do you expect? I see the results of the perpetually opened fly at work everyday. The bright side of it is that it keeps me in a job, and the Second Coming will happen… one day.

  3. grace
    Sep 20, 2004

    hello there i found this site via RBJ and i completely agree with you about that usher song! esp that ‘man enough’ bit everytime i hear it i wanna smack him! very glad that someone else feels the same… oh and sweet site!

  4. Kazzart
    Sep 20, 2004

    CC: Indeed. Haha… keeps u in a job eh. Nice way of lookin at things. 🙂

    grace: Hi! Thanks! Yeh, that Usher song annoys me no end. Good to see I’m not alone in my thoughts! 🙂

  5. Alyssa
    Sep 21, 2004

    That Usher song really annoys me too. Especially ‘This by far is the hardest thing I think I’ve ever had to do’. Here he is, trying to make us all feel sorry for him, when all of his problems could have been easily avoided if he’d just been faithful. You’re right, no sympathy for him at all.

  6. yat
    Sep 21, 2004

    yeah. is it me or do girls really hate that song?

    it didn’t work for me either. so i was singing it to a girl the other day ‘the first thing i thought about was uuuu’

    and i got slapped.

    haha ok not really.

    but i reckon. at least he’s admitting where he’s gone wrong. i know it sounds more like hes bragging but he IS admitting he’s gone wrong…


    so some points there… ?

  7. Kazzart
    Sep 21, 2004

    Yat: Haha… u goose. 😛

    Hm. True he is admitting (confessing) to this. BUT is he really admitting his wrong? I don’t think he actually expresses remorse for having a “chick on the side”. Its more like “Oh crap I got her pregnant… now what am I going to do!?”.

    Sure he wishes he never did what he did, but really its only because of the consequences of his actions (“I ain’t ready for no kid and bye bye to our relationship”).

    If she wasn’t pregnant, I’m sure he would still be “creepin” with this chick.

    Alyssa: Hehe, cool, we’re all coming out into the works with it. 🙂

  8. grace.
    Sep 21, 2004

    i dont’ think he has remorse at all! you know that bit when he’s like ‘this ain’t about my career’… everytime i hear that i think, uh-huh yeah, that’s why you’ve decided to cash it all in by making it the theme in your new album…

  9. leo
    Sep 25, 2004

    i can’t believe u people listened to this song long enough to read into the lyrics

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