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11:10 am Wed, 1st June 2005

Hey guys. Sorry for the lack of updates! Things have been rather busy here… apart from starting work, I’ve been going out heaps as well! Really need to catch up on sleep..


Ok so, work. It’s my 5th day here at Adgistics (err yes I’m blogging from work again). Work has been not bad thus far. The people are very nice – the environment is a fun and laidback, yet hardworking one. And everyone is quite young.. my manager, the IT Technical Director is only 31! I went out with a bunch of my work mates last Friday night, which was nice. I thought it would be a good idea to try and get to know them a bit better in a more relaxed environment at the pub/bar.

The work itself has been a bit slow – I’ve been just trying to wrap my head around this system and the code – its getting slightly easier as time goes by.. at first I wasn’t sure if I would be able to understand it at all. But now bits and pieces are coming together and making sense. It’s a much larger and more complicated system than I’ve ever worked on before, involving some rather abstract OO concepts (even though its just ASP/SQL). I like the responsibility though – I’m actually taking on a whole project (my client is Canon – I’m taking over their online advertisement management system). So my first task will be to make updates and enhancements to this existing ASP system.


So apart from work… things have been getting a bit better here. Am feeling a lot less homesick. It was pretty bad about a week back. I was getting really depressed and homesick and felt very alone. It was even affecting my ability to socialise with and meet new people, which wasn’t really helping my situation.

But now I’ve been going out alot more. Last night I went to the Ben Fold gig at Hammersmith Apollo. T’was an awesome gig… Ben Folds lives up to expectations yet again. 🙂 I had a fairly good view too, and this time I actually remembered to bring my digital camera! Woohoo! Took a plethora of photos and video. Hee. Will upload them when I have time.

So what else have I been up to… saw The Lion King Musical on thurs night with Annie and Andrew, went to a bbq at a CCiL friend’s house on sunday eve where we totally stuffed ourselves with food, monday was a public holiday (woohoo!), went to a karaoke bar on monday night (one of those at-a-pub-in-front-of-everyone do’s.. except these people could actually sing rather well!), “enjoyed” the night bus experience 2 nights in a row (one night with it actually breaking down.. luckily only one stop away from my stop), and otherwise just chilled at home doing stuff like washing my clothes etc etc.

This Thurs night I’m going to a friend’s leaving party at a Salsa club – should be fun! 🙂 And on Fri night, I’ll be going to Shakespears The Globe Theatre to watch “The Tempest”. Really looking forward to this! Got standing room tix for just 5 quid!

I’ve got lots of photos to upload. Just haven’t had time to go through them yet. So stay tuned. 🙂 Ok back to work!!

Current listening :: “Rush Rush” – Paula Abdul

Posted in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 6 Comments »

  1. 6 Comments on “Updates”

  2. Diana
    Jun 2, 2005

    Hi Kaz!

    I usually hate reading people’s blogs… I so feel like it’s an invasion of their privacy… and much less personal than speaking directly. But since you’re all the way in ‘Ole London Town, and if this is the only way I can catch up on your news, I’m suppose I can read your blog and make a comment now and then 🙂 And I must say, your blog is very interesting 🙂

    CONGRATS on the new job! It does sound like wonderful answer to prayer…
    Glad to also hear you’re settling into CCiL – what’re the services like? And turning green at hearing of all your cultural experiences…. The Globe and British Museum and…. yum….

    I remember Clem Snide and Ben Folds! My first gig ever with you and Tim and Wongo and co…

    Anyway, back to work for me too…
    Take care, D

  3. Colin
    Jun 2, 2005

    Hey Kaz

    I read the odd blog and rarely add anything in but thought of something for you.
    Remembered you were missing Australia a bit so to help ease the pain of your loss of Australian music and accents maybe you could use the Triple J podcasts for your weekly dose of what’s going on back here. Plus there is the odd free aussie mp3 off the site and you should be able to stream Triple J from work . Hopefully it won’t make you more homesick.

    Colin (Joe’s friend & currently flatmate)

  4. rat
    Jun 2, 2005


  5. soohk
    Jun 2, 2005

    Pic…upload them quick…love to see pic….although it takes time to load…can’t wait…

  6. Dave
    Jun 4, 2005

    Hope’s Kitchen sounded like a good play. Any chance of that coming to Canada? I’m assuming you finally got moved 🙂 Am i right? Its nice to know your doing okay. 🙂

  7. CC
    Jun 5, 2005

    Hey ho! Are we on for dinner tomorrow night? I won’t forget your shoes and skirt…Can you sms me for meeting time and place? I am returning the car at Marble Arch at 6pm. Can we meet somewhere then and around there?

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