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Ankle update

4:31 pm Thu, 16th June 2005

Hey guys. Thanks for the kind comments. My ankle is feeling quite alot better today! Yay! Looks like it won’t take too long to recover. I can pretty much walk ok on it… I can flex and point my foot… just gotta be careful not to roll my foot outwards. Guess it wasn’t a very serious sprain… thank goodness.

Anyway, almost home time! Yay! This day has been *real* slow. Ugh. Just been very bored and waiting for the end. I can’t wait till this weekend too. I’m going to Germany. Squeeee! πŸ™‚

Current listening :: “They Weren’t There” – Missy Higgins

Posted in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 4 Comments »

  1. 4 Comments on “Ankle update”

  2. Micky (aka Schfuller!)
    Jun 17, 2005

    Hey Schfullerette!
    First you tell me about your UTI etc and then your stuffed ankle, and I go get all sorry for ya…then you tell me you’re going to Germany for the weekend and my sympathy disappears πŸ˜‰ How are ya Kaz? Sent you an email before, but obviously it disappeared in cyberspace. Been keeping an eye on your travels and sounds like you’re doing okay and getting into it! Hope it’s turning out as good as expected….but I do miss our lunches and catch ups πŸ™ Not to worry, we’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t know whennnnnn!!

    Take care and keep in touch!!
    PS/ snow’s bucketing down!


  3. Kazzart
    Jun 17, 2005

    Heya Schfuller!!!! πŸ˜€

    Sooooo sorry.. I did get your email, but haven’t managed to reply yet. I’ve been pretty bad with emails so far. I should also give you my real email address coz that form sends to my spam address which i don’t check quite as often.

    Anyway.. oi you should still feel sorry for me! I’ve had a rough time.. πŸ˜› But yeh, looking forward to my first trip out to europe. Yay!

    Arrghhhh… don’t tell me about the snow bucketing down over there. I don’t wanna hear it!!!! πŸ˜›

    Only another 6 months till I can gloat about snow bucketing down over here (or at least at the French or Austrian or Swiss Alps). I already have some friends I’m gonna go skiing with.. I think they wanna go to Austrian Alps in Nov or Dec… :D). Mmmmm…

    Anyways, I miss lunching with ya too, and all your craziness.. you strrrong like bull van brudder. Haha.

    Been on the forums much lately? I hardly go on at all these days.. woulda missed the london mini-sic if Lon hadn’t msn’d me.

  4. Andrea
    Jun 17, 2005

    Glad it’s getting better!
    And have fun in Germany!
    Wheeee!! The weekend’s here!

  5. Marcelo
    Jun 19, 2005

    Germany? to watch Brazil´s Match?
    I want to go to World Cup :~~

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