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I hate cigarette smoke

6:40 pm Tue, 31st January 2006

Seriously. I am really really REALLY starting to really really REALLY HATE cigarette smoke. In Sydney, I didn’t have much against cigarette smoke. It was something I put up with in clubs on occasion, but I wasn’t too bothered by it. I never really encountered it much.

Since arriving here, I seem to have developed a passionate hatred for cigarette smoke. I don’t think I have so passionately hated something in a long time. The reason is because it’s everywhere. Everytime I go to a restuarant or cafe to eat, there will inevitably be someone smoking nearby. And because London buildings aren’t exactly built for ventilation (keep the heat in and the cold out) the smoke just gets trapped in those tiny rooms. Its not so bad outside.. you can avoid it, stand up-wind, walk in front of them. But in a restaurant or building, there is no escaping those evil tendrils of smoke that ever so slowly begin to choke you. On Saturday night, I had to step outside (into the freezing cold) to wait for the birthday dinner to end because I just couldn’t stand breathing in any more smoke.

And to put the cherry on top of it all, people smoke at my workplace. I don’t know who or where, but I can ALWAYS tell when someone starts smoking. Because I start to choke. My eyes sting, breathing is more difficult, I start to cough and it gives me a headache.

I’m sitting here now, already with a cold and some seriously blocked up sinuses.. my body trying to fight the infection. I’m finding it hard enough to breathe as it is. And some selfish person is smoking. I’m sitting here typing this and I can feel my body’s health deteriorating. My cough worsening and my chest starting to hurt.

This is why I hate cigarette smoke (indoors). Its a bl**dy selfish activity. Harmful not only to themselves, but also those around them.

Current listening :: “Dreams be dream” – Jack Johnson

Posted in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 2 Comments »

  1. 2 Comments on “I hate cigarette smoke”

  2. soohk
    Feb 1, 2006

    Gong Xi! Gong Xi! Happy CNY…wish you will be fine soon…

  3. marvin
    Feb 1, 2006

    I couldn’t agree with you more. It’s bad enough to be in the same room with a smoker, but try kissing one. Ewww!

    I assume your better half doesn’t smoke.

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