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Merry Christmas!

1:35 pm Fri, 23rd December 2005

To my friends and loyal readers. Wishing you all have a very merry christmas and fantastic new year! It’s been a heck of a year for me, lots of exciting and tough times, but here’s hoping things will be on the up for next year as I settle into living London. Will probably post some reflective “year of 2005” musings closer to new years. For now… enjoy this joyous season with your friends and family. And I hope we all don’t forget the real “reason for the season”.

Check out my christmas e-card to you all. Copyright to Kazzart Designs. Made with photoshop cs2. Photo of Big Ben taken by moi. 🙂

New acronym learnt today. TGI Friday. Thank God Its Friday! 😀 Looking forward to my 4 day weekend. Plans include cooking my first christmas lunch – with roast turkey, stuffing, potatos, christmas pudding… the works! 🙂 Might also try visit a 1 or 2 of the outdoor skating rinks in London.

KC Actors Studio

My boyfriend has just set up his own business – an acting school called KC Actors Studio Ltd. Check out the preliminary website and company logo I created in 4 hours.

Any prospective actors in London? Here’s a shameless plug – come do a 10 week course starting beginning Feb 2006. For more info, visit the website. 🙂

Current listening :: “Don’t panic” – Coldplay

Posted in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 5 Comments »

  1. 5 Comments on “Merry Christmas!”

  2. vivian
    Dec 24, 2005

    KC Actors??? That’s a coincidence! =P

    Have fun on your *proper* northern hemisphere Christmas =)

  3. Vron
    Dec 24, 2005

    Oooh – tell me how skating goes! 🙂

  4. rat
    Dec 26, 2005

    merry xmas!

  5. a l
    Dec 27, 2005

    yes, i want to see you skating!

  6. Kazzart
    Jan 5, 2006

    Viv: Yes it is. But it actually is his actors name initials.

    Vron: Skating was much fun! I can still do two foot spin but I travel heaps. And I can do a toe loop – rather ungracefully.. and can do an arabesque.

    Rat: Thanks 🙂

    al: Sorry didn’t get any piccies of me skating this time.. but next time we try Somerset House skating rink, I’ll try to remember. 🙂

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